Pre-core utbildning i ISTDP i Stockholm 9-11 december 2020 [EDIT: ändrade datum]

Välkommen att delta på nästa introduktionsutbildning, ISTDP Pre-core, med Peter Lilliengren och Tobias Nordqvist i
Stockholm 9-11 december 2020!

Kursen omfattar tre heldagar (09.00–16.30) och kommer innehålla både teoretiska och praktiska moment. Bland annat kommer du lära dig:

  • Meta-psykologin bakom ISTDP
  • Att etablera medveten allians och upprätthålla ett intra-psykiskt fokus
  • Bedöma ångestnivå och se indikationer för när ångest behöver regleras
  • Känna igen och arbeta med flera olika typer av försvar och motstånd
Tobias Nordqvist föreläser vid tidigare omgång av pre-core

Kursen leds av Peter Lilliengren och Tobias Nordqvist som bägge genomgått core-utbildning samt handledarutbildning i ISTDP. Utöver teori kommer undervisningen innehålla videoexempel samt rollspelsövningar där du får möjlighet att utveckla specifika färdigheter utifrån ISTDP. Pre-core ger grundläggande kunskaper och färdigheter för att kunna gå vidare med en full 3-årig coreutbildning för den som så önskar.

Kursavgift är 4500 kr för alla tre dagarna och deltagarantalet är begränsat. Det finns ett mindre antal platser för heltidsstudenter från något av landets psykologprogram som kan gå kursen till reducerad kostnad (2500 kr).

En ny 3-årig core-utbildning planeras starta i Stockholm i januari 2021 och kommer även den ledas av Tobias och Peter gemensamt. Utbildningen genomförs även i samarbete med Dr. Allan Abbass som är världsledande kliniker och forskare inom ISTDP. Fullgjord ISTDP pre-core är ett krav för att kunna gå den fulla core-utbildningen. Coreutbildningen är begränsad till 10 platser.

Plats: Ersta Sköndals högskola, Stigbergsgatan 30, Stockholm
Tid: Nionde till elfte december (samtliga dagar kl. 09.00–16.30)
Kostnad: 4500 kr (ett begränsat antal platser finns för heltidsstudenter för 2500 kr).
Anmälan: För anmälan maila till För att säkra en plats behöver vi veta fakturaadress, organisationsnummer samt ev kostnadsställe för den betalande organisationen.


Här hittar du informationen som PDF:

[MOVED ONLINE] Allan Abbass Immersion 2020: Mastering the Trial Therapy

Abbass at Stockholm Immersion 2019
Allan Abbass at Stockholm Immersion 2019

The 2020 Swedish Immersion in Davanloo’s ISTDP with Dr. Allan Abbass has been moved online. Se updated information below.

Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) begins with an intensive and comprehensive evaluation and treatment session called the Trial Therapy. The trial therapy seeks to establish both a conscious and unconscious therapeutic alliance, gather a complete history of problem areas, past and present relationships, and related medical and social factors, while testing a client’s response to this therapeutic mobilization of the unconscious. By the end of the interview, therapist and patient should both have information about the suitability of this treatment, and what format of the treatment may be most beneficial. The trial therapy is typically conducted in one session, but sometimes over more than one session.

Based on a study of several hundred trial therapies, we have found that the trial therapy is effective in reducing symptoms and interpersonal problems, and also effective in reducing excess healthcare use. There is evidence that it is beneficial in the hands of new learners, and that is more effective than standard psychiatric intake interviews.

In this 9th Swedish Immersion in ISTDP, Dr. Allan Abbass and colleagues will provide a detailed video–based study of a series of trial therapies from across the two spectra of patients. Hence, we will look at entire trial therapies of patients with low to moderate resistance, high resistance, as well as patients who suffer from repression and significant fragility. The goal of this course is to assist attendees to master the understanding of functions and processes involved in the trial therapy to help build momentum from the very first session of their treatment courses.


Dr. Allan Abbass is Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Director of Psychiatric Education, and founding Director of the Centre for Emotions and Health at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. He is a leading award-winning teacher and researcher in the area of Short -Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, with over 250 publications and 300 invited presentations over the globe. Some of these articles can be viewed at

He is known for simplifying the theory and technical aspects of the ISTDP model, with the use of algorithms, and through highlighting moment-to-moment processes that inform interventions. He has received numerous teaching awards, including two national awards in psychiatry, and has been honored with visiting professorships at several international universities and institutions, holds recurrent intensive training programs in Norway, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland
and Canada, and provides internet-based training to professionals and groups around the world.

Dr. Abbass’ critically acclaimed textbook on ISTDP Reaching Through Resistance: Advanced Psychotherapy Techniques was published in 2015. His latest book, Hidden from View: A
Clinician’s Guide to Psychophysiologic Disorders
(Abbass and Schubiner, 2018), deals with psychophysiologic disorders and how health professionals can diagnose and manage these conditions including the use of ISTDP techniques.


Location: Zoom.

Dates: 26-28th of August, 2020.

Time: 9.00-17.00 local Swedish time

Fee: 525 canadian dollars.

Registration is mandatory as seating is limited. The course sold out last year so register now to avoid disappointment.


Follow this link:

ISTDP PRE-CORE, Introduktionsutbildning i Stockholm 26-28:e maj

Välkommen till ISTDP PRE-CORE, introduktionsutbildning till ISTDP i Stockholm den 26-28:e maj 2020. Kursen omfattar tre heldagar och ger en grundläggande introduktion till intensiv dynamisk korttidsterapi. Utöver en teoretisk bakgrund innehåller kursen videobaserad undervisning samt rollspelsövningar där du får möjlighet att utveckla specifika färdigheter i att observera patienter och intervenera utifrån ISTDP-principer. Följande moment ingår:

  • en introduktion till de grundläggande teoretiska principerna inom ISTDP
  • praktiska färdigheter för att etablera en god arbetsallians och ett emotionellt präglat fokus för behandlingen
  • praktiska färdigheter för att bedöma patientens ångestnivå och reglera denna
  • praktiska färdigheter för att identifiera och hantera försvar och motstånd

Kursen leds av de legitimerade psykologerna Niklas Rasmussen och Thomas Hesslow, som tidigare startade ISTDP-teamet vid Psykiatri Nordväst och som båda är certifierade ISTDP-terapeuter och ISTDP-handledare. De har sedan 2015 haft kontinuerlig handledning av Tobias Nordqvist och Jon Frederickson.

Inga förkunskaper krävs. Kursen riktar sig i första hand till psykologer, psykoterapeuter och psykologstudenter, men denna kursomgång välkomnar vi även annan vårdpersonal som kan ha nytta av grundläggande ISTDP-färdigheter i sitt arbete.

ISTDP pre-core
pre-core vid Psykiatri Nordväst i januari 2019

Kursavgiften är 4 500 kr för alla tre dagarna och deltagarantalet är begränsat. I mån av plats kan heltidsstudenter från något av landets psykologprogram gå kursen till reducerad kostnad (3000 kr). Kursen kommer att äga rum ISTDP-mottagningen Stockholm vid Mariatorget.

PRE-CORE ger grundläggande kunskaper och färdigheter som är ett behörighetskrav för att läsa den treåriga Core-­utbildningen, om du önskar göra detta senare.

För mer information om kursen och anmälningsinstruktioner, se flyer för ISTDP PRE-CORE.

[UPPDATERING 2020-03-31] Med anledning av Coronapandemin så kommer kursen att vara möjlig att delta i via videolänk. Vi kommer att ha ett möte igång i Zoom där man kommer kunna ta del av undervisningen och de praktiska moment som ingår (färdighetsträning i rollspel). Givetvis följer vi utvecklingen och myndigheternas rekommenationer och om det behövs kommer vi att genomföra hela utbildningen via videolänk för alla deltagare. Vi har goda erfarenheter av detta sedan tidigare och kommer i så fall anpassa upplägget utifrån förutsättningarna.

Reiko Ikemoto-Joseph: “This is one of the aspects of ISTDP I love the most: its infinite flexibility”

At the end of January 2020, Reiko Ikemoto-Joseph, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, is presenting her work on the healing power of guilt at Ersta Bräcke Sköndal Högskola. We had a chat with her to find out more about what she thinks about ISTDP, couples therapy and working with creative people, among other things.

How did you find ISTDP or did ISTDP find you? 
I was very fortunate to have discovered ISTDP very early in my clinical training at a day seminar offered in Los Angeles. I watched a videotaped session of a man who was struggling with inexplicable rage toward his 4-year-old daughter. When I saw the use of pressure and challenge, my jaw hit the ground. I didn’t exactly understand what I was seeing but I knew right then that I wanted to learn how to do it. I immediately enrolled in an introductory ISTDP course and from there I was hooked. It’s been nine years since that day and I am as enthralled, obsessed and curious as ever about Davanloo’s metapsychology and the many different ways it can be understood, applied and adapted. So I supposed I found ISTDP first but it has certainly found its way into my psyche and grabbed hold. 

Can you say something about your style of ISTDP? What do you emphasize in your work and what do you appreciate most about working with ISTDP? 
During my training I have consciously and unconsciously integrated the styles and interventions of my teachers. However, over time they have become my own. I find a great deal of joy and satisfaction in re-interpreting my teachers’ interventions in my own language and creating new interventions to suit the specific needs of my patients. This is one of the aspects of ISTDP I love the most: its infinite flexibility. Once you integrate the metapsychology, it’s possible to adapt the approach to nearly every person you treat. I would say that I always emphasize the working alliance. All of my initial interventions target the specific barriers that prevent an active and involved partnership with my patient. 

All of us struggle to learn ISTDP. Starting out, after a few years and also after a number of years. Can you tell us something about what you’re learning right now and what you’re struggling with? 
Right now I’m experimenting (and struggling) with the best way to approach extreme fragility. I’ve always enjoyed working with moderately fragile patients but patients on the extreme side of the fragile spectrum are especially challenging for me because the pace of the work is so slow. ISTDP is known for its ability to effect rapid change and I find it very exciting to facilitate major unlockings early in the treatment. This is not possible with extremely fragile patients. With these patients, the bulk of the work involves meticulous and painstaking restructuring. Additionally, many patients with early and severe abuse quickly flood with anxiety, dissociate, and cannot tolerate working in the transference. So recently I’ve been experimenting with using bilateral stimulation and EMDR resourcing techniques with such patients to stabilize them at the beginning of each session. So far it has proved very useful in reducing anxiety and creating the conditions for a conscious and unconscious working alliance.

You specialize in couples therapy. I’ve heard some people do couples therapy in a format where they do individual therapy with the other partner as audience, and then you alternate during or between sessions. What kind of format do you use? Did you have to modify ISTDP in some ways to make it fit couples work? 
As you noted, this is a particular interest of mine. I love working with couples. One of the nice things about couples work is that the couple usually comes “pre-mobilized,” meaning that the partners already have complex feelings activated toward each other when they walk through the door. They also find it very easy to identify specific examples of their problems with one another. The aspects of ISTDP that are fairly easy to adapt to couples work are: (1) directing the partners’ attention to their respective triangles of conflict and triangles of persons. I help each of them see how these two triangles work together to perpetuate their difficulties. This in turn helps them see and take responsibility for their specific contribution to the problem instead of blaming each other. One innovation that I developed with my colleague, Catherine Lockwood, is redirecting rage into the transference. For example, if one partner is lashing out at the other, I’ll interrupt and help the enraged partner observe his or her anxiety, rage and discharge. Next, I’ll invite him/her to experience and regulate the rage with me instead. Often it’s possible to make a cognitive link to an earlier genetic figure or distressing memory. This is usually extremely illuminating (and a huge relief) to the observing partner. I save ample time at the end of each session to invite both partners to summarize what they experienced and observed and to link it to their presenting problem.

On your website you mention that you work with people in the creative community. Do you find that this group is different to treat than other groups of clients? 
From a metapsychological perspective, creative clients are no different than other types of clients. However, I find that as a group, creatives tend to be very identified with their punitive superegos. Their torment shows up as relentless self-criticism of their creative efforts, which they often rationalize as “good for them.” For me, creative clients are a lot of fun to work with because they resonate so strongly with metaphor and archetypical themes (e.g. exile, freedom, revenge). 

What’s your vision for the future of ISTDP? Where do you see us going as a community in say, 5 or 10 years? 
My vision for the future of ISTDP is greater recognition in the psychotherapy community at large and wider availability of clinicians. There are some states in the U.S. without a single ISTDP practitioner. Finding ISTDP clinicians to refer to is a constant struggle. I’d also like to see us create more opportunities for collaboration and cross-pollination with other emotion-focused and/or trauma-based models such as EFT or EMDR. I have some training in both of these modalities and find there is a surprising degree of overlap with ISTDP. 

Do you have anything in particular to say to the people going to or thinking about going to the event in January? 
I will be showing two cases that feature major unlockings of the unconscious, including some very surprising visual transfers. I presented the first case at the most recent Boston IEDTA conference for the session on highly complex and resistant cases. This is a unique opportunity to see examples of the twin factors (transference and resistance) activating an unusually strong unconscious therapeutic alliance. It’s also a great opportunity to see the profound healing power of guilt in Davanloo’s ISTDP.

Make sure to register for the January event soon as seating is limited. See the flyer for more information.

Below you’ll find some of our other recent interviews:

Jon Frederickson depression workshop in Stockholm on March 6th

Jon Frederickson

To treat depression, we must know what causes it. And by learning to assess each patient response, we can figure out what causes depression even in the therapy. Then we can address the cause and help the patient overcome her depression.

In this videotape presentation of a therapy session, we will learn how to identify what makes patients depressed so we can help them recover. The patient had suffered for years in spite of various therapies. She had a pattern of overworking, doing the work of others, and not being able to stand up for herself. Her husband was unemployed by choice, so she was the sole source of support. Due to her self-criticism, she couldn’t see her genuine capacities and strengths.

Through the moment-to-moment analysis of the session, we will learn how to support depressed patients, how to help them build the inner strength they need to face the feelings they have feared, and how to help them bear together with us what they could not bear alone.

This one-day workshop will take place at Ersta Bräcke Sköndal Högskola on the 6th of March 2020. For information and registration, download this flyer.