ISTDP Academy hösten 2021

Svenska Föreningen för ISTDP har inlett ett samarbete med vår systerförening i Danmark (Danske Selskab for ISTDP, med syfte att anordna digitala kvällsföreläsningar om ISTDP i höst. En uttalad ambition är att bjuda in presentatörer från Norden och andra delar av världen samt att visa på bredd i olika tillämpningar av ISTDP. Alla presentationer sker på engelska med undertexter på filmklippen. Föreläsningarna kommer ske via Zoom och ligger kvällstid kl 17.00-19.30.  

Höstens schema ser ut så här: 

  • Onsdag 1:a september:  Sara Basso (Italien): ”ISTDP principles in childhood psychotherapy” 
  • Onsdag 6:e oktober – Jonathan Entis (USA): ”Working with defiance in Davanloo´s ISTDP” 
  • Onsdag 3:e november – Marvin Skorman (USA): ”You can´t change anyone, even in therapy!” 
  • Onsdag 8:e december – Peter Lilliengren (Sverige): ”Resolving social anxiety with ISTDP” 

Kostnaden är 1200 kr för alla fyra föreläsningarna för medlemmar i Svenska Föreningen för ISTDP. Är du ännu inte medlem i föreningen kan du bli det i samband med anmälan. Anmälan sker här:  

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Information om föreläsningarna

Onsdag 1:a september:  Sara Basso (Italien):
”ISTDP principles in childhood psychotherapy” 

The presentation will focus on the integration of ISTDP in psychotherapy for children. This integration of the ISTDP graded format, thanks to the use of the principles and techniques of ISTDP and other projective techniques, such as drawing, story-telling and playing, allows young patients to become aware of their anxiety and to express their distressing unconscious emotional contents, giving them the opportunity to process these aspects over the course of the therapeutic relationship.

The presentation will focus both on theoretical/technical elements and clinical practice through an illustrative clinical case regarding a 10-year-old little girl with a strong anxiety and related scholastic difficulties.

Sara Basso, Psychologist and Psychotherapist, completed her IEDTA certified Core Training in 2017 with Leone Baruh. She works with children, adolescents and young adults at Centro MasterMind, a private clinical center of psychotherapists in Italy. In collaboration with her colleagues she has been examining unexplored opportunities to integrate ISTDP with other psychotherapeutic models used with children.

Onsdag 6:e oktober – Jonathan Entis (USA):
”Working with defiance in Davanloo´s ISTDP” 

This presentation will cover various aspects of working with defiance, and its twin, compliance, in Davanloo’s ISTDP. These two defenses are often invisible to the patient and at times to the therapist, presenting unique challenges for the alliance. All patients with a history of early developmental trauma have access to these two defenses as indirect ways of managing their feelings and distancing from others, thus knowledge of how to identify them and work with them is fundamental to a deep understanding of Davanloo’s metapsychology. In this presentation, Dr. Entis will thoroughly review the concepts of defiance and compliance and how to work with them technically, and will use case presentations to illustrate.

Jonathan Entis, PhD, is a psychologist in private practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is licensed in both Massachusetts and New York.
He is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, where for the past three years he has taught and supervised in ISTDP. He is an IEDTA-certified teacher in ISTDP, and presented at the IEDTA international conference in Boston in 2019.
In 2021 he co-presented with John Rathauser, PhD, a 2-day seminar on working with syntonic defenses in Davanloo’s ISTDP. He will also be assisting Dr. Rathauser in his next 3-year core training program in New Jersey. Jonathan completed a 3-year core training in ISTDP with Patricia Coughlin and has been in weekly supervision with both Patricia Coughlin, PhD and John Rathauser, PhD.

Onsdag 3:e november – Marvin Skorman (USA):
”You can´t change anyone, even in therapy!” 

Information kommer vid ett senare tillfälle.

Onsdag 8:e december – Peter Lilliengren (Sverige):
”Resolving social anxiety with ISTDP” 

Social anxiety symptoms involve fears of being negatively and/or harshly judged by others and subsequent avoidance of situations where conflict and anxiety is triggered. In psychodynamic terms, this fear is typically based on projection of own angry feelings and/or negative self-judgment (i.e. the “Super-Ego”) onto others. Such phenomena are quite common and may present across both the “psychoneurotic” and “fragile” spectrums of patients we treat with ISTDP. Thus, depending on the patient’s level of anxiety tolerance, capacity for reality testing and syntonicity, patients may need different interventions in order to resolve the problems.

In this 2.5 hour presentation, I will present a case of a young man with long-standing problems with social anxiety, meeting DSM5 criteria for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and avoidant personality features. The patient was assessed as “mildly fragile” and was treated with the graded format of ISTDP. Treatment consisted of a total of 14 sessions and the presentation will include video segments from the initial trial therapy as well as several later sessions, including assessment of changes at termination.

The specific learning objectives of the presentation include:
– How to conduct a psychodiagnostical assessment to determine the patient’s problems and capacity for ISTDP treatment
– Detecting and dealing with “projective anxiety”
– Establishing a conscious and unconscious alliance
– Detecting anxiety thresholds and working with the graded format to increase affect tolerance
– Working through, including breakthroughs to complex mixed feelings related to past attachment traumas

Peter Lilliengren is a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. He currently maintains a private practice in Stockholm. Besides seeing private patients, he is involved in teaching, supervision and psychotherapy research at Stockholm University, Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College and several other psychotherapy training sites in Sweden. He has been learning, practicing and teaching ISTDP for over 10 years and has been trained by Patricia Coughlin, Jon Frederickson and Allan Abbass. He currently co-runs a 3-year ISTDP core training program in Stockholm together with his colleague Tobias Nordqvist. Peter has PhD in clinical psychology and authored or co-authored over 20 peer-reviewed psychotherapy research papers. He is currently president of the Swedish Society for ISTDP.