The Power of Small Wins in ISTDP, a presentation with Reiko Ikemoto-Joseph

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy is known for its visually stunning unlockings and rapid transformations. But these breakthrough sessions are built upon a series of smaller, yet critical turning points between therapist and patient. This seminar will use lecture and videotaped clinical material to illustrate the key moments that fuel a strong working alliance and set the stage for a major unlocking of the unconscious. Special attention will be given to:

  • Cultivating positive feelings in the therapeutic relationship
  • Staying out of the parent’s shoes
  • Speaking directly to the unconscious
  • Sparking curiosity and hopefulness 
  • Prioritizing process over outcome
  • Celebrating your own therapeutic style
Reiko Ikemoto-Joseph

Reiko Ikemoto-Joseph, MA, LMFT is a marriage and family therapist in private practice in Los Angeles, California. She is an IEDTA-certified EDT teacher and has practiced ISTDP for over ten years. Ms. Joseph has a special interest in the application of ISTDP principles with diverse populations and treatment formats, including adolescents and couples. She has lectured nationally and internationally and has published on the topic of ISTDP and couples therapy. Ms. Joseph was honored to present on the healing power of guilt with highly resistant patients at the 2019 IEDTA Conference in Boston.

Ms. Joseph completed her 3-year Core Training in AB-ISTDP with Robert Neborsky, MD and Josette ten Have-de Labije, PsyD, after which she completed an additional 2 years of advanced training in D-ISTDP with John Rathauser, PhD.

Participants: 1) Those who are in an ISTDP or EDT Core training or supervision program, 2)Those who have previously completed an ISTDP/EDT Core training program, 3) ISTDP/EDT Trainers, 4) Colleagues of these 3 groups who will attend while physically being present in the same room.

Location: on Zoom

Date: May 5th 2021

Time: 18-20.30 (CET)

Price:   This presentation is for members of the Swedish Society for ISTDP only, and is free of charge

Registration: Through the link: Registration will close on the 27th of April.

Download printable flyer here: