In English

Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a form of affect-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy developed by Habib Davanloo. The Swedish society for ISTDP organizes psychologists and psychotherapists with a shared interest in this form of therapy. Aside from organizing events, courses and seminars, we run this website, distribute a newsletter, collaborate with ISTDP societies in other countries (such as the IEDTA), talk to journalists and promote research on ISTDP. Many of our events are held in english. See the events and courses page (in swedish) for more information about them.

If you’re interested in finding an ISTDP therapist, please have a look at the therapist directory (in swedish).

You’ll find all of our posts in english following this link, including information about events and interviews with clinicians and researchers.

If you’re interested in contacting us, please see the contact page.