Dagstidning rapporterar om världsledande ISTDP-mottagning

Långläsning. För ungefär en månad sedan blev några av våra kanadensiska kollegor intervjuade i en av de största dagstidningarna i Kanada, The Globe and Mail. Reportaget handlar om teamet runt Allan Abbass och deras arbete för patienter med ISTDP för medicinskt oförklarade symptom.

The therapy is based on the idea that repressed negative emotions can emerge as physical symptoms, and that triggering, or releasing, those emotions can relieve them. Where cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for instance, focuses on changing thought patterns to alter behavior, ISTDP draws a client’s attention to their physical responses to address unresolved feelings such as anger or guilt. One unique feature of the therapy is that sessions are videotaped so that therapists can review their work with colleagues and sometimes with patients themselves.

Förutom levande fallbeskrivningar från patientarbetet som bedrivs i Halifax så innehåller artikeln även intervjuer med några psykologer som är kritiska till metoden.

“Inelegantly performed ISTDP can be a source of emotional harm,” suggests Robert Tarzwell, a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at UBC, who has conducted brain imaging research with Dr. Abbass, “whereas this is less likely with techniques such as CBT.”

Artikeln hittar du här: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/article-their-pain-is-real-and-for-patients-with-mystery-illnesses-help-is/