Psykoterapimässan Stockholm 21-22 oktober
S:t Lukas utbildningsinstitut anordnar föreläsning med efterföljande workshop i ISTDP med Jon Frederickson den 21 oktober. Klocktider ej fastställda.
Föreläsning: Treating Anxiety in the Traumatized Patient
Workshop: Case Presentation–The man who had 14 Previous therapies
Core-group training (30 credits) in ISTDP starting 29-31 october
Ersta Sköndal högskola in Collaboration with Washington School of Psychiatry
Three year Core Group Training with Jon Frederickson and Tobias Nordqvist
Time: October 29-31 2014
Three year program to become a practitioner of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. Four three day blocks per year plus additional trainings. The training involves power points, readings, extensive skill building exercises, teaching, and group supervising of videotaped therapy session.
Price: 1000 USD per block. Four skill building sets for a total of 200 USD
Location: Ersta Sköndal högskola, Konferensrummet EKO, plan 2
Contact: Björn Elwin,,