CANCELLED. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this event has been postponed (2020-03-12).
Welcome to ISTDP PRE-CORE introductory course in Helsinki on 4-6th of May. For information in other languages, click here for Finnish and here for Swedish.
We’re very excited to offer ISTDP training in Finland for the first time. Following the workshop by Jon Frederickson at the end of March this year, to our knowledge this will be the second ISTDP event in Finland. The three-day course gives a complete introduction to the theoretical and practical foundations of Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy, ISTDP. Alongside theoretical lectures, the course includes skills training, role-plays, observation of actual therapy video and group discussions. This is the main content:
- an introduction to the central theoretical principles of ISTDP
- practical skills to establish an effective working alliance and a consistent focus on affect
- practical skills to assess and regulate anxiety manifestations during sessions
- practical skills to identify and manage defenses and resistance
- a critical introduction to the evidence base for ISTDP and other short-term dynamic therapies
The course is open for psychotherapists and psychologists, as well as students within these fields.
The course is led by lic. psychologist Thomas Hesslow. He runs the ISTDP-unit at the psychiatric outpatient clinic Kronan in northwestern Stockholm. He’s a certified ISTDP-therapist, trained by Jon Frederickson, Tobias Nordqvist and Peter Lilliengren. Currently he’s in Jon Frederickson’s Training of trainers program to become an ISTDP teacher and supervisor. He’s also on the board of the Swedish society for ISTDP and doing ISTDP-research part-time. Before doing ISTDP he specialized in dialectical behavior therapy, DBT.

PRE-CORE is a prerequisite for later entering ISTDP Core training, which is the three year program to become a certified ISTDP therapist. Thomas Hesslow and Liv Raissi are planning for a Core training in Helsinki starting during fall 2020. More information on this is due later this spring.
For more information about the ISTDP PRE-CORE in Helsinki and details for registration, please download the flyer in English, Finnish or Swedish.
CANCELLED. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this event has been postponed (2020-03-12)