Thorsberg Døgnseksjon, DPS Drammen, Vestre Viken HF in concert with ISTDP Norway and Dr. Allan Abbass are pleased to provide a 4 day Immersion course in Davanloo’s ISTDP at «Union Scene» in Drammen Norway June 10-13, 2013.
¾ of referred patients are in the category of High Resistance. These patients tend to fail responding to standard treatment approaches. This first in depth Norwegian videotape based Immersion will cover the following areas:
- Overview of Davanloo’s New Metapsychology of the Unconscious
- Details of the technique of psychodiagnostic assessment of Resistance
- Timing and application of pressure, challenge and head on collision with Resistance
- Partial and Major Unlocking of the Unconscious
- Working with the mobilized unconscious
- Unconscious content in highly resistant cases
For more information about fee, location and registration, click here.