In June 2021, Ange Cooper and Liv Raissi welcome you to an ISTDP conference in Gothenburg on the topic of the language of the unconscious.

We are our patients. Our patients are us: Using ISTDP to help both therapist and patient to remember who they are
In this two-day conference, Liv Raissi and Ange Cooper will generously share their stories of personal and professional transformation that culminated in spring 2020. This was a special spring. Covid-19 was spreading all over the world. People were facing death and isolation all around. This challenging time laid the foundation for a time of resurrection and awakening. Through a unique connection, Ange and Liv helped each other become more aware of the identifications, character defenses and ‘dead states’ that they were both unconsciously stuck in. With each other’s help, they could start to set themselves free, and simultaneously discover how many patients were in a similar position. Patients’ stories became a part of this transformation and helped Ange and Liv to understand how to help their patients more efficiently, using the language of the unconscious. A time of personal break-ups, break downs and facing long held pain, led to a time of healing and awakening – awakening of self and the other.
Are you ready for a wholehearted and intimate conference-experience? Let us take you on a journey. Let us take you on a journey of discovery. Let us take you on a journey of how to help yourself and your patients in one go. Let us invite you to rediscover your child’s mind – a mind that was already a master in paying attention to clues all around…
We are all connected and we are all the same, fundamentally. We are our patients. Our patients are us. We welcome you to take part in this experience and maybe start a journey of discovery for yourself.
Liv and Ange will share:
- Personal journeys of transformation and how it affected their professional work
- Developing a mindset akin to a treasure hunt with the patient (how to follow important clues that reveal the”unconscious therapeutic alliance”)
- Videoclips from therapeutic work demonstrating transformation with significant patients
- ISTDP-interventions that work with both fragility and resistance to reach patients’ hearts
- Poems, music and dance performance as part of presentation

Ange Cooper is a clinical psychologist, assistant professor, ISTDP teacher, trainer and explorer of the many wonders of life. She hasbeen training in ISTDP since 2010 and has spent the last 5 years working and researching ISTDP with Allan Abbass at the Centre for Emotions and Health, Halifax, Canada. In addition to ISTDP, Ange will be taking her knowledge in a leadership direction as the inaugural Assistant Dean of Wellness for the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University.

Liv Raissi is a licenced psychologist, certified ISTDP therapist/teacher, dancer and yoga-lover. She is the former chairman of the Swedish associations for ISTDP and has actively contributed to the dissemination of ISTDP, through arrangements of conferences and trainings, since 2012. In addition to therapies and trainings in her own company, Liv teaches at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.
Because of the current situation with COVID-19 there might be a risk that Ange will have to join through video-link. Let’s hope not and that we will all be able to see each other live!
Location: Hotell 11, floor 3, at Eriksberg, Maskingatan 11, 417 64 Göteborg.
Date: Thursday-Friday June 10-11, 2021
Time: Registration starts 8.30, workshop 09.00–17.00 (lunch approx. 12.00-13.00) every day
Price: 4800 SEK
4000 SEK for members of the Swedish Society for ISTDP
3800 SEK for any ISTDP core-training student
2000 SEK for full-time students (limited number of seats)
A generous lunch, fika, popcorn and ice cream every day is included in the price. After the first conference day everyone is welcome to enjoy a glass of cava at the hotell, also included in the price.
Target audience: Lic. psychologists, psychotherapists and doctors. Students studying to become psychologists or psychotherapists.
Registration: E-mail your name, profession and invoice address to Please mention if you have any special diets
Organizer: Liv Raissi and Ange Cooper
Contact: Liv Raissi,, +46706388811
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